Wednesday, 22 December 2010


In India all us foreign people try to eat in 'clean' restaurants. and not eat from food off the street. because we think that the food will be 'safer'. this is probably excellent advice. though, my house mate got taken to hospital last night because she had been vomiting and also had diarrhoea, food poisoning of course. a few of us had started eating food off the streets and had not got sick. but my house mate went to this restaurant that is very pleasing to the eye and ate something that gave her food poisoning. so you try so hard not to eat of the street, spending the extra money and time. yet you get sick from the food you thought would keep you away from the hospital. is that irony?

what always makes me wonder is behind them doors of the restaurant anything can happen. you really just don't know whats going on. also you just don't know how long that food has been there for. because not much is make from scratch. but on the street, you see everything. and there is a very quick turn over of food. because so many people are eating form there. which means that the food is always very fresh. by default. 

the advice my house mates father gave was, "always go where everyone else is eating", basically saying, don't be the guinea pig...

Saturday, 18 December 2010


my 'bro' Kibriya has now Become a father. strange thing to say but its true. i am sure he's beyond happy, delight etc etc. even though he stole my Birthday i'm very excited for him and can't wait to return to see his kid. anyway i'll post the picture i received of the baby. i don't know if i should but i guess if they want me to remove it i will. though for now i'll share the moment with every. i feel thats what they would want to it. such a beautiful baby... oh and by the way.... its a boy... don't think they have given it a name yet. but if they have let me know!

1 cup chai 2 saucers

600 years of Ahmedabad, everyone is doing a lot of cultural exhibitions, video's lectures etc. their are a vast amount of interpretations of what Ahmedabad has, is and going to be. also there are many different ways in which people see Ahmedabad. but their is one consistent theme that everyone mentions. and that is the notion '1cup chai 2 saucers'. when ever a group of friends come for chai they get one cup and two saucers. so 3 people can share the chai. at first you think its miserliness but when you really see the consistency and the manner in which they enjoy the chai. you realise its not about miserliness, but about sharing. enjoying a moment together in its entirety. that is something i feel we on the other side of the work have forgotten. we have gone to the extreme of privacy, this is MINE kinda attitude. maybe we can break this habbit and the next time we have the opportunity to share [and i mean more than just offering] maybe we can try the 1 cup chai 2 saucers approach.

happy sharing!

Thursday, 9 December 2010


This is how the waste water is transported around the city, kind of smells.....but you get used to it

how beautiful....

Camel Ride

So from left to right : Laurits [Germany], Mariana [Portugal], Sakshi [India], Arturo [Mexico], Tanya [India] and Anand [India].

Tuesday, 7 December 2010

Aladdin maybe?

Street- just like Aladdin


My Mexican room mate is leaving so went to visit the sand stone city called Jesalmer. was very nice, i'll post a few pictures of the place. this is of course Arturo....