Thursday, 18 November 2010

all gone.....

Tragic times... i was putting my stuff on the shelf before i went to sleep, including my hard drive. then suddenly... crash! my hard drive falls to the floor... i didn't think much of it. just picked it up and put it back. next morning at work. i plugged it in, and the hard drive could not be recognised by the computer! on this hard drive is everything i have done in the past 2 years! and now... its all gone... i spoke to the technician about repairing it and he said it was a hardware failure and some other technical jargon i didn't understand.... i was going to get angry, but then i thought about something i heard. when tribulation happens with either two things, god testing you. or its a result of something you did to didn't do. either way its a purification process. so i began to try and see some wisdom in the moment and the tried to extrapolate some lessons...... i lost a really expensive fountain pen as well a couple of days ago... thinking about these things made me realise how irrelevant they really are. objects come and go. while we have them, we can enjoy them. but once they leave us we shouldn't feel empty without them. because they are not the things that complete us. anyway thats just a thought....please let me know of precious things you have lost and how you felt.


  1. Insightful. I was CLOSE to losing something. My ebook reader. I was reading away for my course trying to get ahead of the reading list so that I'd be prepared etc but i was about 40 or so pages from the end of 1 novel and it froze! I was like okk... maybe it wants a break... tried to switch it on and off with no response and pressed various buttons.. nothing. I thought, let's leave it. Though I wasn't emotional I just thought, this is a little inconvenient because I wont be able to catch up on my reading. In the meantime a girl from the flat opposite came over and was panicking because her phone had stopped working (no calls/ texts/ internet) she was supposed to be doing hmwk, but she couldnt concentrate while the phone wasn't working. We tried what we could with being technically inept girls and ended up ringing o2 customer services. Didn't get very far with them. A few hours later she came back to my flat, my e-reader still not working and rang o2 again. They basically suggested she went to an o2 shop and got a new sim. She went back fairly settled because her phone started to work randomly soon after the conversation ended. I thought that I've still not managed to read much and it's been about 3 or so hours! I just thought that I'd have to read it from the laptop but it'll strain my eyes more. Her phone problem pretty much diverted me from the ereader during this time. I ended up reading 2 nafls and waiting for a few minutes and then checked my ereader and it WORKED. After hours and hours, it randomly worked and everything was back to normal. Interesting series of events. Who says miracles don't happen??

  2. I lost something that I had treasured for over twenty years and then suddenly it was gone, I can't understand how or why, but never got over the loss either. Unfortunately albeit I have faith I also get far too attached to people and possessions, I'm too emotional and that is my weakness. I try to detach myself and make myself understand that a loss is part of life and should be accept as such. Attachment is not good for the heart or soul. I have failed in this respect and pray and hope with to overcome my weakness, inshallah

  3. i lost my best mate from work. He thought it was a good idea to go to india for some crazy adventure and leave me behind.Its stil weird you not being there take care bro.

  4. I lost my personally written vocab book in syria on a taxi! every word that i have memorized was in it, so now when i forget a word and need it quickley it takes along time to find it :(

  5. What about when we lose something that isn't an object??
