Tuesday 8 March 2011

O' Cow

On Thursday i took a day off from the office. when many would have chosen to spend this time to sight see, relax or what not. i chose to spend the time following a cow around Ahmedabad. yes, thats right. follow a cow around the city. just as you are thinking, 'what a crazy guy'. those in the office spoke them same words. two reason brought me to following a cow. first i was always interested in why Corbusier was so interested in the cows and the myth. that a cow can find its way back home. so i set of on a day following a cow. me and a mate called Arun, from Holland. the day was very normal if you look at it from a objective point of view. we saw them being fed at 7am. they pooped. they ate. urinated. pooped. they were milked. their poop was collected and taken to be used. then they rested. after all this. they were sent on a 3km walk to an open field to graze. for about 4 hours. they bathed while grazing. (an area hidden away in the city amongst a load of bungalows) then they headed back home. the myth was destroyed at this point. the man came to collect the cows, sounding a very strange horn like sound form his mouth. the cows began to all head towards him and make their way home. he noticed that one of the cows had gone missing. so he got on the motorcycles and began to search for it. therefore first point to note. cows are so lazy/gormless. that they will be where ever they are doing what ever they are doing. without actually thinking anything. so someone has to come and tell them to go home. otherwise they will just never move. another thing. as the cows are going home. the owner is sitting at some near by chai place. keeping an eye on them. dressed like a normal 20-30 year old. you would never know. it seems like the cows are on their own. but infact they are always watched form a safe distance. then while i was sketching the cows and just taking in and learning form the day. i realised by corbusier might have liked the cow. its because its strong like a horse. but also very soft like a woman. i terms of body. and manner of gliding. so you get this really beautiful blend of strength and gentleness. and its only through the sketching where you can really appreciate it. 

1 comment:

  1. some things never change!
    still as weird as ever ali bhai!
    had lost ur blog address
    looks as though ur enjoying urself
    keep on posting pics
    when are u back???
