Friday 14 September 2012

In the end it is where yout fear is

Today the news read that the dutchess of cambridge was photographed topless. Now many are going to wonder if this is such a thought provoking situation. And they would be correct, because on its own it is such a random event. However if we see it inline with other events in the world we can see some relevence.

Lets take a trip to a few days ago, where an american was killed in lybia. This tragedy was a result of riots which was a result of people filming the prophet of islam in a disgusting light. The general public response was not of disgust but was a pro freedom of speech arguement.

However we see the disgusting pictures of the royal family and there is no freedom of speech discussion. It is recognised by the majority as disgusting and apologies are being made by all parties.

Now lets think, either they dont believe in freedom or they are scared of the consequnces if they fight the argument. Because if they didnt believe in the freedom of speech they would not have published or even taken the pictures.

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