Friday 8 February 2013


As I enter the mosque to pray jumma I am confronted by numerous signs shouting "TURN YOUR MOBILE OFF". Then the speaker stands up and begins his lecture, in a language foreign to the country. You came in to the building full of ambition to be good. So you start to listen to the person as you listen to Quran. Not understanding but appreciating that something good is being said. Then suddenly, the lack of anything emanates from the words and reminders you of your childhood come crashing back. Them boring 9am classes that you sit through silently not understanding anything and enter into a near coma. Then you remember you have a life support machine that can revive you! You pick slowly out of your pocket your mobile phone. Quickly sprawl over it. Trying to stay alive as you look look send an SOS to anyone that will hear your cries. As soon as you have sent the warning you eagerly wait for someone to come and save you. And when they do, you feel the life re-entering your body. So as you awaken again, a glance towards the "turn of your mobile phone" and you reflect on it's meaning. The principle is that it distracts people from god, which in actual fact the thing that is distracting people from god is the speaker. So maybe we should make signs saying "Turn your Urdu/French/Chinese off".

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