Wednesday, 20 October 2010


SO! as the dust settles, we can now speak about the real issue. the reason i set off on this journey. WORK.

i'm working for a company called Vastu Shilpa Consultants, founded by Balkrishna Doshi. he worked with architects such as Le Corbusier and Louis Khan. some of the most famous in History. and things are raised or reduced by what they are associated to. so you can imagine the measure of this man. the company is very well respected, like Manchester United in the footballing world. therefore making him like Alex Ferguson. 

Now the amazing thing about him, is his approach. every week. at least once. He gives a personal talk/discussion with all the student interns. teaching them about architecture. also he just spends time walking around the studio speaking to them. i found this to be a fresh approach to the architecture world. breaking this arrogance label that if often put on architects. 

the whole institute is run like a kind of temple of architecture a place where young people can learn and are given the opportunity. they have a mentoring system and get you straight into real work. none of this paper shuffling. so you are given to an architect and they look after you and teach you everything and get you to work on their top projects.  i have been put in a project called 'inflibnet', information library network. its a repository for universities to keep their journals. so universities from certain parts of India, can use it as a place to research and also store their journals.

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