Wednesday, 16 February 2011

No Phone

I'm not usually one to lose things, as i've been a child who used to take good care of all his toys. most of which still remain till today. but recently, for whatever reason. i have now lost my phone. to add to the hard drive incident. i must be in a bad spiritual state! or god is just purifying me. it reminds me of the 4 states a human being is in.


the response to each state is very important. if you are in a blessing its important to be thankful.

if you are in tribulation you must become patient 

obedience should be responded by not becoming self righteous 

and disobedience must be responded by repentance.

so in effect if you respond to each state in this way you will always be in a blessing. because the repentance you move towards god, the patience and the humility and the gratefulness also move you towards god. 

and the story about my phone, we were going to buy some chocolates as a birthday gift for one of the house mates. so we went to the shop and stopped off at another colleagues apartment block. as i was sat in the lobby sketching i must have left the phone must have dropped or i left it on the seat. not sure. when i returned back it was gone and the phone was switched off. bad times. the ironic thing was. before we left the house to get the chocolates. i said "we should leave everything at home including our phones, and only take as much money as we need." hmmmmm god works in mysterious ways. anyway. another lesson learnt! 

peace people!

1 comment:

  1. Have fun without a phone.
    It is do-able, so long as we have the internet the wound will heal (iA). hehehe.

    Awww be brave anyway. Hope everything else is going well.
    It was nice to see an update, even if it was with some bad news. Perhaps if your phone was in French, it'd be harder for whomever took it, to sell it/ use it...

    Take care and happy bobbling!
