Sunday 1 May 2011


Oh Man... Good times!.... 9am. "ALI!!" "N and S come running in, "Ali Paa, there is a mouse!". so i'm thinking, oh great i have to pretend i'm not scared and help with a mouse. anyway, the brave soul that i am. i walk into the room, everyones looking at this sofa [new sofa].  remember, i am half asleep at this point because i have not seen 9am for a long time lol. anyway.... the extra food for the house is stored under th sofa, thinkings life fizzy drinks, biscuits etc...  so we begin to take the food out, in search of this Mouse.... no sign of it yet.... everything is out. on the floor... hmmm we wonder.... everyone is stood around this sofa bed. looking into the empty compartment...[its blue btw]. eve.ryone is stook over the empty comparment... in silence... then the mouse pops its head out from under the comparment..... S shouts MOUSE! and everyone pauses, not knowing waht to do. the mouse pauses. everyone is looking at everyone, the mouse is looking at everyone. and then it rushed into the inside of the actual sofa. the place you lean your back.... Damn, he's going to set up camp there, we thought... now it was stuck....we lifted the sofa up vertically and started to smack it. then uncle realised if it comes out. we'll only have to catch it again in another part of the hosue. so we took the sofa into the garden.... continued to beat it.... someone had the idea of cutting the back of it.... so we did. destroying the sofa slowly... slit no mouse.... then we realised. if it comes out. its still in the Garden, therefore still able to get in the house.... now its in from of the house. in the middle of the society. kids are looking at us strangly as we hit thie sofa. and probs people form inside their houses. anyway. we stop... jsut watch the sofa for a while. and the mouse pops its head out.... it looks at us S gets scared and run inside... the mouse does the same..... anyway.... before we knew it the the sofa had been thrown away. it rested peacfully near the public bin. uncle informed aunty about the sofa. she was shocked and confused to the removal of the sofa. uncle said. look "it was either the sofa or the mouse". but it was a new sofa she added "look on the positive side, you got rid of a mouse and you get to buy a new sofa"

and the sofa now lives with a bengali family we saw taking it. little did they know this item comes with a free toy......


  1. "it's more scared of you, than you are of it"... you masterfully proved that phrase wrong. You can climb up mountains, follow cows and work amongst monkeys, but mice scare you?!

  2. hilarious, so hilarious that i actually bothered to go to the trouble to reset my password just to make this comment.

  3. Ow, good to know that you are fine, running away from mice, but alive! We (I and my sense of irony) missed your visits to the group 7 the last weeks.. now back in Spain.. no more chai but still making models! take care, Lara :)
